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Here’s how you can start volunteering in your community

ARE you interested in volunteering, but don’t know where to start? Come and check out the various volunteering opportunities available at the Wollongong Volunteering Expo, on Wednesday 22 May at the Wollongong Town Hall.

At the Wollongong Volunteer Expo, visitors can browse the wide range of opportunities, meet other volunteers, and learn more about the many and varied ways you can get involved in your community.

There will be 33 community organisations at the Expo representing vital services including aged care, multicultural services, community and emergency services, libraries, cultural organisation and more.

Wollongong Lord Mayor Gordon Bradbery said that the expo will be held during National Volunteers Week (20 – 26 May 2024). The theme for this year’s National Volunteer Week is ‘Something for Everyone’.

“National Volunteers Week is Australia’s largest celebrations of volunteers and the vital, unpaid work they do for their community. There are many not-for-profits in Wollongong, including Council services, that rely on volunteers giving their time and holding the expo is one of the ways we encourage people to consider volunteering,” Cr Bradbery said.

“The Wollongong Volunteer Expo is your one-shop stop for all things volunteering. This is a great way to hear from other volunteers, match up with possible organisations that need help and find an opportunity that suits your availability and interest.

“Volunteering is a great way to meet likeminded individuals and in doing so contribute to the wellbeing, happiness and the success of ventures and services that enrich our community.

“Whatever time you can donate to volunteering is greatly appreciated. I encourage everyone, whether you’re a repeat volunteer or new to volunteering, to visit the expo and find out more.”

Entry is free. A sausage sizzle will be available outside the Town Hall from 11am.

Event details

WHEN & WHERE: Wednesday 22 May from 9.30am to 2pm at the Wollongong Town Hall.

COST: Free entry.

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About Mick Roberts

A journalist, writer and historian, Mick Roberts specialises in Australian cultural history, particularly associated with the Australian pubs. Mick has had an interest in revealing the colourful story of Australian hotels or pubs and associated industries for over 30 years. Besides writing a number of history books, Mick has managed several community newspapers. Now semi-retired, he has edited the Wollongong Northern News, The Bulli Times, The Northern Times, The Northern Leader and The Local - all located in the Wollongong region. As a journalist he has worked for Rural Press, Cumberland (News Limited), City Hub Sydney (City News), and Torch Publications (based in Canterbury Bankstown, Sydney).


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